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Bachelor 4: Bob Has A Three Way


Wednesday started out badly. Riding shotgun as a passenger with a friend, I was jolted by a sudden fender bender on the way to the office. Although my knees had a brief brush with the dashboard, my seatbelt kept me virtually unharmed.

As you can imagine, being in an early morning car crash was not the best way to start the day. In fact, the auto crunching was a harbinger of the day ahead which quickly sank into a murky ho-hum kind of day. Luckily I had more Adventures of Bachelor Bob & His Bodacious Babes to look forward to watching. (Image of Bob Guiney & Meredith - The Bachelor 4 - ABC/Craig Sjodin - All rights reserved).

Imagine my surprise when one of the first scenes of Bachelor 4 had some of the ten beautiful bachelorettes bawling their eyes out as they were required to vote vote for the best and the worst bachelorette for Bob.

Smokey voiced, blonde streaked Antoinette was visibly sobbing as she choked out her various choices for Bob while stunning butter dipped blonde Brooke was filmed with tear stained cheeks and red rimmed eyes. Emotions were running wild over the actual voting process. (Image of Brooke by ABC/Bob D'Amico - all rights reserved).

Although each bachelorette was ushered to a private room to vote, some of them were actually captured on camera explaining their choices. None of the Bachelorettes were allowed to vote for themselves. Well duh. A wise choice considering all the building drama with the various bachelorettes.

Mysteriously several of Bob's Bachelorette Babes were MIA on the voting film segment. OK, I give. Why did we see some of the beauties voting and not all? Were some having a bad hair day? Or maybe, they refused to vote and the producers decided to leave off that tidbit of news? Or maybe some of the bachelorettes were pretty nasty in their comments and it would have been inappropriate for the fans to see their comments? Will we ever know? Probably not.

I was really interested to see how Kelly Jo and Misty voted, but we were not allowed to see whom they selected as best and worst for Bob.

Meredith Endures Bad News & Cranky Horses

Adding even more sobbing to the episode was the sad filming of the gorgeous Meredith receiving unexpected news of the sudden death of her beloved grandmother. The camera crew graciously allowed Meredith a few private moments to handle her grief before filming resumed. When it did, the filming showed the majority of the remaining ladies pulling together to support and encourage a bummed out "Mere D" as Bob fondly calls her.

Since the self confident brunette Meredith was voted "Best For Bob" by the majority of the bachelorettes, her prize was a private date with the sweetly charming Bob. After a brief ride on cranky horses, the lucky couple strolled into a super sized, custom designed, surfside sandcastle (shown above). As the perfectly tousled Bob and lanky Meredith slurped slimy oysters, drank champagne and snuggled under a blanket the sultry Meredith seemed to prove all the bachelorettes that voted her to be right. (ABC/Craig Sjodin - Bob Guiney, Meredith - The Bachelor 4).

Meredith appears from all appearances to be a perfect fit for Bob. Is it because she is gorgeous and intelligent or is it because Meredith could be a twin for Bob's ex-wife Jennifer, as some members of the press are now pointing out? It is definitely true that sometime model Jennifer is a stunning long and lanky brunette like Meredith. Does Bob just dig tall sultry brunettes or is there a hidden memory being triggered somewhere?

Bob recently told InTouch Magazine that his ex-wife will always be part of his life and he will always love her. Whether Meredith reminds Bob of Jennifer or not, whomever is the next Mrs. Bob Guiney will have to learn to live with the first ex-Mrs. Guiney as part of the extended family.

Back At The Bachelorette Ranch

Meanwhile, back at the Bachelorette Ranch, the increasingly bitchy Lee-Ann threw a mini temper tantrum, verbally slammed Jenny and stormed out of the room when confronted by Estella for her miserable behavior. (Image of Lee-Ann to the side by ABC/Bob D'Amico)

Bob's group pajama date with the spicy Mary (see photo below at Rose Ceremony with Bob) and rambunctious Kelly Jo and Misty took place in a Karoke Bar where Bob had a chance to show off his vocal pipes. As the date progressed an obviously surprised Bob found himself in bed with all three ladies as they kissed and cuddled with him and each other. Could a man want anything more?

Following the new trend to throw in a few twists and turns, which I personally despise, the show did not end with an elimination ceremony. Instead, a stern looking man delivered a date box and proclaimed that "this box is worth one million dollars". Huh? Did the show somehow get crossed over with For Love Or Money? Since when is a Date Box on a Bachelor show worth a million dollars?

(Image of Jenny above by ABC/Bob D'Amico)

Without any warning, the show was over and the previews were rolling. We received a quick teaser about Lee-Ann being voted Worst For Bob and a shot of her apparent tiff with Bob before the next rose ceremony elimination. We also heard a teaser about a pending catfight. With which cats you ask? Beats me, but stay tuned.

While I enjoyed watching Bob get more intimate with Meredith in the sand castle and frolic with the three sassy ladies at the Karoke bar, I have to say that I did not like the rest of the show. The newly revised show format felt oddly disjointed and out of sync. I found my attention being diverted from Bob and his Babes to trying to worry about whether my TIVO was recording the right amount of showtime.

As usual, Bob was his awesome charming, funny and adorably tousled self. The show was another story. It felt like it was trying to be something that its not. So what's up with that?


One of the things that I love about the Bachelor shows is that it is so predictable. I find comfort in the fact that each show ends with a gut wrenching rose elimination ceremony. Not only do I vote for all my favorites to stay, I pull for the bad girls to get the boot. I thrive with all the long drawn out nail biting dramas that occur with each ceremony. (Photo of Mary and Bob below at the rose ceremony on the Premiere Bachelor Show - ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Even though I am not a Reality Show producer (although I am always open to a new career) and don't profess to understand all the intimate details of creating an audience pleasing show, I have to beg the producers to bring the old Bachelor format back. I don't want to worry about what some sour faced guy means about the date box and I don't want to give up the weekly rose ceremonies. I want the comfort of knowing that Bob is on the hot seat at the end of each show and moving forward to selecting his ultimately ladylove.

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